Overcoming resistance to healing
When you are determined to achieve something, the universe will conspire to help you to achieve it.
I was determined to heal myself 22 years ago so that i could help others. I wasn't rolling in cash but money was never a deterrent for me when it comes to healing. Somehow, the universe would send me both the healers and the money for healing so that i could move forward on my healing journey.
One of my first healers also helped to shift my mindset. She asked me, why not ask my mum for a loan to pay for a healing program (not hers)?
I was aghast, "is that the right thing to do?"
She gently suggested that it's indeed a proper solution and i eventually listened to her.
Today, my relationship with my mum is way better than it used to be, thanks to the healing over the years. The loan paid itself many many times over.
Sometimes, money is not the real issue. It's our inner resistance to healing that manifests as inability to pay. I have observed over the years that some of my students and clients are short of cash, but when they know they need healing from me, they will always find a way to pay me. You guys know who you are!
When there is pain, there will also be a path to move through and past the pain. Sometimes it doesn't require money, sometimes it does. Meditation is one of the best ways to heal and it's free, but many people i know cannot commit to a meditation routine.
So you don't want to spend time nor money to heal. Then is it your choice to keep suffering?
The spirit guides are sometimes exasperated with us cos they have sent us various resources but we are just too stubborn or unmindful to take them up.
Exasperated, never angry!
And they will keep trying their best to help us.
But if we are too comfortable sitting in our pain, there's really not much they can do.
This post was written by the divine. I'm just the channel. I guess some of you really needed to read this and get off your butt to consider, what you can start doing to live a life that will bring you more freedom and joy and abundance.
Such a life is possible for you. It is possible for everyone!
Just decide that you want it. Then commit. Pursue it. With every ounce of effort you have.
Is that an ok from you?
There.... You have just started on your healing journey. Congratulations!