Healing relationships start from within
This lady came to me, depressed and withdrawn. One of the issues that came up was her estranged relationship with her father who didn't live with her and seldom contacted her.
During healing, a vision of her father's inner child came to her. He was sad and hunched up on the ground. We did some energetic transformative work and by the end of the session, this lady's inner child and her father's inner child were playing together on swings, laughing with merriment. She left the session with a lighter heart.

Less than 2 weeks later, this lady told me that her father actually called her. And he told her he loves her. Something that he has never said to her before in her entire life.

To shift relationships, we start by healing ourselves. When we sincerely look within and allow ourselves to face our blockages, miracles can happen.
If you are looking for transformation in your life, PM me for a free consultation. I might be able to assist.