Being taken advantage of
When you think that you are being taken advantage of, what do you do?
Get angry and resentful?
Scold the other person?
Swallow your emotions and tell yourself it's ok but feel lousy inside?
Actually it's impossible to get taken advantage of.
What is meant to be yours, will be yours eventually. Money will travel one round around the world and back into your pocket. So will energy, effort, reputation, glory and reward.
There is no need to fret about the injustice of it all. The universe is very fair. You WILL get paid back in other ways.
Just give with an open heart. Give freely and unconditionally.

If you can't do it, then you need to practice self love. It is the cup that is full that can be used to fill up other cups.

Do good with lightness and joy. Then watch how your life gets blessed in a million ways!